Wildlife Conservation Society: Library & Archives

Hornaday Wildlife Conservation Scrapbooks

William T. Hornaday wildlife conservation scrapbook, volume 10, page 3a

Items on Page

Says criminals kill wild game. Sun (New York), 1929-12-03.
Untitled clipping beginning: Among matters brought to the attention of the special commission. Boston Globe, 1929-12-14.
Game racketeer newest of tribe. World (New York), 1929-12-04.
Sees gang tactics used to kill game. New York Times, 1929-12-04.
Untitled clipping beginning: In a few days Kansas hunters. Wichita Eagle, 1929-12-14. 2 pgs.


Campaign documents: Norbeck sanctuary bill, Bag limit bill, Wholesale poisoning. William T. Hornaday scrapbook collection on the history of wild life protection and extermination. Volume 10

Scrapbook Compiler

Hornaday, William T. (William Temple), 1854-1937
Franz, Edith Helen

Scrapbook Date



Hornaday, William T. (William Temple), 1854-1937
New York Zoological Society
Wildlife conservation--Law and legislation--United States--History
Birds--Conservation--Law and legislation--United States--History
Game laws--United States--History
Game reserves--United States--History

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Wildlife Conservation Society Archives


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Original item in WCS Archives Collection 1007

